Monday, September 16, 2013

Life Lately

It's September.
We moved in March.
It's been a little crazy around here since then.   A lot crazy.
So here is a quick view of what we've been up to since the big move!

20 The girls and I (plus the dog and cat) left for Texas.
     I get a call from TR, in the ER, that Hudson had fallen and fractured his hand.

21  Trent and the boys make it to Texas.
22  The movers show up with a FULL semi load of our stuff.

the difference between Kansas and southern Texas in March is green and warm!

     Friends from home were in the area and came to see us.  It was wonderful to see familiar faces!
Trey's best friend's grandparents

26  Met with Covenant Academy.
27  Kids started school.

21  I am a grandma!
      Jet Wesley Georgeson was born on his Great Grandma Neva's birthday!!

27  Horses are here!!!
My very sweet, reliable and awesome friend Sam took time
 out of her VERY busy schedule to bring my horses!

1-4  Wesley, Kim & Jet come to visit from North Dakota!

8-13  Jim came to visit.

22  Last day of school.
23-27  Krehbiels are here!!!!

31  TR and boys travel to Norton

1-7  Boys go to Kanakuk Kamp in Missouri (where they spend the week with cousins and friends)
(That's Hudson squished in-between Kade and Trey!)

1  Wesley, Kim & Jet move to Texas!!!

3-7  Sophie has swimming lessons.

8  Izzy has her first Cleft Clinic appointment in San Antonio.
8  TR and boys are home!
13-17  Parents (and Emma) come to visit!!

They brought 3 horses with them and we had daily trail rides!

17-21  VBS
28-July 6  McCary's here!!

13  OKLAHOMA! at the Fredricksburg Theatre Company.  It was awesome!

15-17  Brian and friends are here for White Horse Foundation strategic planning.

20-27  Home to Kansas for family, friends and the County Fair!

28  Back to Texas with an extra man sized boy.  Jace!!!
Jace's first time to Texas.

31  20th Wedding Anniversary and Sophie's 2nd Gotcha Day.

1  Parents come back to visit with two more cousins in tow.  Jonah and Jenessa!!!
2  Sophie's 16th birthday.

4  Beydlers leave for Kansas and take the cousins with.
4  THE KING AND I at the Cialloux Theatre

8  Hudson's 2nd Gotcha Day!
He chose to eat at Bonzai!!  His favorite place.

24  Celebrated Wesley's 24th Birthday at Coyote Ranch.
30  Hudson and Isabella's Birthdays.  #10 & #9.  We celebrated by going to Bandera Days for the weekend to see an Indian PowWow, Longhorn Cattle Drive/Parade and Rodeo!  Fun!!

Ain't that the truth!!

Birthday Twins!

In between all that we've had speech twice a week, occupational therapy & physical therapy once a week, football practice & cheerleading practice twice a week, tumbling, orthodontist appointments, ENT appointments, audiology appointments, optometrist appointments, chiropractor appointments, neurology appointments, work at Covenant Academy to get it ready for the new school year and have since added ballet.

School has started and I'm glad!!