Monday, January 10, 2011


What a day.

First off.
It's a snow day. Which means the kids were home.
Sort of.
I made Trey call some friends to find somewhere to go. Usually that's not allowed.
Because I'm still having anxiety, irritation, moodiness and slight depression from adoption paperwork, I needed to get rid of at least one of my kids.
For the other one, I brought in an older, more reliable friend in need.
Emma. My 8 year old niece.
She brought her manicure kit and along with Isabella's face paint ( I mean make-up), they will be busy for awhile.

Do you hear that?
I don't either.
It's sooooo nice!
No nerf guns being shot.
No screaming sister.
No yelling mother.
Ahhhh, quiet. : )

So, after checking and checking and REchecking, the VERY IMPORTANT documents have been put into big mustard yellow envelopes and taken downtown. I've been to the local UPS drop off, aka Endzone and got rid of all notarized documents for my dossier to be state certified.
I also got rid of my I-800A!! (Sorry Jen- I missed Friday's pick up. So I'm a day behind you)
These 81/2 x 11 pieces of paper give me grief!! My hands shake. I get all nervous just handling them. I know- it's crazy. I may need to be committed after this. Trent already thinks I should be.
Like my friend Jennifer said she was going to do, I prayed hard over these outgoing documents!
And now I feel goooooood!
Like a weight has been lifted!
Dang. I should've taken a picture to show you.
I also (finally!) sent my box of goodies to Yun Fei. $45.50 just to send a small box to China!
It's crazy. But worth it.


  1. Dang it!! I can't believe you missed Friday!! That's ok, if I get a little ahead of you here, there might be a chance we could be in China together AGAIN!! Wouldn't that be awesome!! I don't know if there's any chance I will calm down until after the fingerprint appt. ;)
